
jkpulafit  JUDO KLUB PULAFIT  

ul . Trg 1. ISTARSKE BRIGADE 10/3.

OIB:38839933451 ;  MBS:1630431

RNO broj: 0077109

žiro račun RBA banka IBAN: HR 59 2484008 1101226707

treninzi se održavaju u sportskoj dvorani na III katu.


tel: 00385(0)91 1254 237
E-mail: jkpulafit@gmail.com

Želimo ti srdačnu dobrodošlicu u judo klub ” PULAFIT ” vjerujem da ćeš zavoljeti ovaj lijepi sport i da ćeš marljivo vježbati i napredovati u svom sportskom usavršavanju.

Mi učimo djecu da budu pobjednici u životu.

Karta do kluba

 Nalazimo se u Puli – Šijana kod novog autobusnog kolodvora u zgradi iznad Italuniona 3. kat.

We are located in Pula – Šijana at the new bus station in the building above the third floor .

judo klub pulafit

Tvoj klub osnovan je 03. travnja 2002. godine i jedan je od mlađih klubova osnovanih u Hrvatskoj . Judo klub PULAFIT je član Hrvatskog judo saveza i judo saveza Istarske županije te član Sportske zajednice grada Pule .

Klub ima za cilj učenje , odgoj i promicanje judo športa kod mladih , približiti im judo šport. Kroz učenje i treniranje juda stvoriti zdravu i sposobnu osobu da može razlikovati dobro od zla , vrednote koje čovjeka razlikuje od životinja , a isto tako da sutra može odgajati i učiti svoju djecu pozitivnom i sportskom duhu , podižući na taj način i kvalitetu svog života . Istovremeno ne dopustiti da dijete odgaja ulica i ukazati na štetnost uzimanja i konzumiranja svih ostalih poroka ( alkohola, droge ,cigareta idr.) svemu onome čemu su danas mladi ljudi izloženi. Pokazati smisao života , omogućiti mladom čovjeku da sav višak energije koji ima ostavi u sportskoj dvorani.


We wish you a warm Welcome in the judo club “PULAFIT” believe that you will love this beautiful sport, and that you practice hard and get along in their sports training.

We are children we learn to be winners in life.

Your club was founded in the 03rd April 2002. years and is one of the younger clubs established in Croatia. “PULAFIT ” judo club is a member of the Croatian Judo Federation and the League of judo Istria Region and a member of the League sports town of Pula.

The club is aimed at learning, education and promotion of Judo Sports at the young, closer to the sport of judo. Through learning and training Judas create healthy and capable person to be able to distinguish good from evil, values that distinguishes man from beast, but also that tomorrow can raise and teach their children positive and sporting spirit, give in this way and the quality of your life.

At the same time not allow the child disciplines street and point out the adversity and the taking of all other consumption  (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc.).

All the things which are now exposed to young people. Show the meaning of life, to enable young man that all the surplus energy that has left the sports hall.

© 2013 Judo Klub Pulafit